Paperback resumes are challenging to organize and aren't used nowadays due to everything going digital. You can still make a resume in a word doc, but you want to impress your future employer—what better way to do it than with a resume website. My resume website says everything any prospective employee will need to know about me. If I ever plan to go into front-end web design, the website will speak for itself on my skills. Why try to cram a bunch of information on a single page when you can build a website with all your past success. I want my website to show people the best way to contact me on all platforms and offer my experience and skills. Resume websites are the future of resumes.
My targeted audience is going to be hiring managers or recruiters. I want to show them all of my previous employment, education, and a little bit about who I am. I want this to be available to future employers and anybody who wants to know about my life. Anybody curious to know what a good resume looks like or what is supposed to go on a resume. They can look to this website and good to know me, and they'll have a good idea of what their resume should look like.
Website Logo

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Color Palette
Palette URL: https://coolors.co/002d62-ffffff-ce1126-eac102-008337Primary | Secondary | Accent 1 | Accent 2 | |
#002D62 | #FFFFFF | #CE1126 | #EAC102 | #008337 |
Heading Font: [Open Sans]
[It is a formal font and I will have a formal website]
Paragraph Font: [PT Sans]
[It is a formal simple font and I will have a formal simple website]
Normal paragraph example
The best Whitewater Rafting in Colorado, White Water Rafting Company offers rafting on the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers in Glenwood Springs. Since 1974, we have been family owned and operated, rafting the Shoshone section of Glenwood Canyon and beyond.
Colored paragraph example
Trips vary from mild and great for families, to trips exclusively for physically fit and experienced rafters. No matter what type of river adventures you are seeking, White Water Rafting Company can make it happen for you.
Site Map
Home page
A Little Bit About The Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic is a fascinating country for many reasons. First off, this island is very stunning with all the different colors, plants, and people. When you go visit the beach, you will never want to leave. The water is crystal clear, and the beach is gorgeous. You can basically always see the oceans no matter where you are on the island. Apart from its beauty, there are some other things that'll take you a while to get used to. Most of us aren't just used to order in our homes, but we also expect to get it outside our homes. The country itself is very disorganized. The disorder probably stems from the fact that the government doesn't enforce any laws. This leads to a lot of littering, madness on the road, fighting, robbery, drug dealing, and everyone honks their horn for no reason. There are trash piles all over the country, which makes everything smell horrible. Nobody ever receives any significant consequence for their actions. The motor-taxi's are really scary. They will put 5-6 people on one motorcycle because you get around fast for cheap. But, just like all countries, there is always going to be some negative.
Images for the Home page
The People
Apart from not having a stable government, the people are amazing! There are the poorest of poor but will give you all they have. We hear this a lot about more impoverished countries, how those with less always have more to give. These people have nothing. Even if you have a good job, you can work all day, and you'll just make one American dollar. Sad right, or is it? Maybe we look at them like they have nothing, but honestly, they have everything! I played with this kid for 2 hours in the street, playing this game with rocks that he came up with. Another kid was playing this game with these sticks and a water bottle lid. It was actually really fun. They are the happiest people you will ever meet. If I were ever hungry, I would just stop at a random house during lunch and invite myself in and start eating their food. They always thought it was funny and never threw me out. If I did that here, I would probably be killed. Honestly, you'd think with such an unstable government and the country's state; the people wouldn't be so lovely, well they are. Even the drug dealers and robbers are friendly. One of the best parts about it all is that almost everyone believes in Christ. They are all great examples. They teach us that no matter where we are born or what we have, we can be happy.
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The Fruit
Last but not least, the different fruits. This island is full of fruits I've never heard of before. Limoncillo's are by far the greatest. Not to be confused with the Italian lemon liqueur Limoncello! No, this fruit has nothing to do with lemons at all. When it comes to its looks, it has a large grape size, but its skin is hard and green. What you find inside may come as a bit of a surprise: its flesh is soft and a beautiful orange-pink. Don't judge a book by its cover! And yes, it sounds a bit like a lychee, and that is exactly how you eat them: bite off the flesh around the stone. You will taste a mixture of tarty and sweet, which gives it a refreshing taste. The limoncillo, also know as quenepa, is an easy snack, often sold at beaches in Punta Cana. So be on the lookout if you want a healthy after-swimming bite. Passion fruit, or Chinola as it is called in the Dominican Republic, is a popular native fruit that is delicious and healthy. It is loaded with vitamin A and C, antioxidants, potassium, and fiber. This tropical fruit is a tennis ball size and has pink, purple, or yellow-green skin. Dominican Republic's native passion fruit is commonly yellow. Inside the thick skin is pulp with countless tiny dark seeds. The crunchy seeds of the fruit are very vital sources of fiber. The pulp is a light-yellow or orange color and has a strong sweet fragrant. Passion fruit can be enjoyed by itself or used in a favorite recipe like juice.
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