A Little Bit About The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a fascinating country for many reasons. First off, this island is very stunning with all the different colors, plants, and people. When you go visit the beach, you will never want to leave. The water is crystal clear, and the beach is gorgeous. You can basically always see the oceans no matter where you are on the island. Apart from its beauty, there are some other things that'll take you a while to get used to. Most of us aren't just used to order in our homes, but we also expect to get it outside our homes. The country itself is very disorganized. The disorder probably stems from the fact that the government doesn't enforce any laws. This leads to a lot of littering, madness on the road, fighting, robbery, drug dealing, and everyone honks their horn for no reason. There are trash piles all over the country, which makes everything smell horrible. Nobody ever receives any significant consequence for their actions. The motor-taxi's are really scary. They will put 5-6 people on one motorcycle because you get around fast for cheap. But, just like all countries, there is always going to be some negative.