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The Fruit

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Apart from not having a stable government, the people are amazing! There are the poorest of poor but will give you all they have. We hear this a lot about more impoverished countries, how those with less always have more to give. These people have nothing. Even if you have a good job, you can work all day, and you'll just make one American dollar. Sad right, or is it? Maybe we look at them like they have nothing, but honestly, they have everything! I played with this kid for 2 hours in the street, playing this game with rocks that he came up with. Another kid was playing this game with these sticks and a water bottle lid. It was actually really fun. They are the happiest people you will ever meet. If I were ever hungry, I would just stop at a random house during lunch and invite myself in and start eating their food. They always thought it was funny and never threw me out. If I did that here, I would probably be killed. Honestly, you'd think with such an unstable government and the country's state, the people wouldn't be so lovely, well they are. Even the drug dealers and robbers are friendly. One of the best parts about it all is that almost everyone believes in Christ. They are all great examples. They teach us that no matter where we are born or what we have, we can be happy.

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